Jail Break Iphone - 3.0, 3.01 - "Do with your own risk"
1. Download Unlocking simple tool redsnow 0.71
2. Download iPhone1,2_3.0.1_7A400_Restore.ipsw.
3. open the redsnow tool and there will be a browse button to select the the ipsw.
4. select the downloaded iPhone1,2_3.0.1_7A400_Restore.ipsw.
5. It will check for your firmware and the selected firmware.
6. Once it verifies it will ask you to select a check box which contains the "Install cydia".
7. If you press next it will tell you to switch off the iphone and connect to PC through USB.
7. Proceed the next step with the above steps completed.
8. After the next button pressed it will ask you to follow 3 steps.
a. press the Power button for 3seconds.
b. Without releasing the power button press the home button for 10 seconds.
c. Then release only the power button but keep pressing the home button for 30 seconds.
9. Once after you completed the above steps it will start installing and reboot your iphone.
10. If any mistake happen you can start the process from beginning.
1. If reboot happens long time, try removing USB and plug immediately, otherwise redownload the ipsw package and try.
2. The total time will not take more then 15mins